Reference numbers in square brackets and artists' initials are explained here
175 Glastonbury Abbey seal RAJ Monastic Britain (North Sheet)/(South Sheet), 1950/1954-1955. In letterpress.
Publication of the south sheet in 1940 was cancelled. Thus Jerrard’s 1939 hand-lettered original was never used
- [a] 154x214mm Bookfold 3618 1950 (first edition) Also without "NET"
- [b] 154x214mm Bookfold 3394 1950(first edition)
- [c] 155x215mm Bookfold (SECOND EDITION) 3980 1955 letterpress O.S.O. 324 5,000 9=55
- [d] 155x215mm Bookfold (SECOND EDITION) 3927 1954
176 Arbroath Abbey ATC Monastic Britain North Sheet, 1965 [4]
154x212mm Bookfold A letterpress OS 2018 7,800 11-67
177 Byland Abbey ATC Monastic Britain South Sheet, 1965 [4]
154x212mm Bookfold A letterpress OS 2019 11,300 1-68 Also with uncoded 1954 letterpress.
178 Seal of the Church of Christ at Canterbury COI Monastic Britain, 1976
- [a] 215x304mm Hardback B 1976
- [b] Spine 15mm.
179.1 Stonehenge trilith, cream ATC Ancient Britain (North Sheet)/(South Sheet), 1951
[a] 153x215mm Bookfold 3624 1951
[b] 153x215mm Bookfold 3625 1951
[c] 137x212mm HMSO 1953 guidebook. See also Appendix 2,Professional Papers 13.[a][b][c]

179.2 Stonehenge trilith, puce ATC Ancient Britain (South Sheet), 1964 [published 1965]
[a] 154x213 Bookfold B letterpress OS 1200/8000 10-64 Also letterpress OS 2017 25,600 8-67 And another intermediate uncoded letterpress.

180 Ruined broch ATC Ancient Britain (North Sheet), 1964 [published 1965]
154x213 Bookfold B letterpress OS 2016 11,650 9-67
181 Trophy of arms BHT Southern Britain in the Iron Age, 1962
- [a] 219x288mm Un-laminated Bookfold 1962 letterpress OSO 479 6,000 7-62 Also letterpress OS 1855 14M 2-67
- [b] 216x287 Laminated Bookfold A/ 1967 letterpress OS 1855 14M 2-67
Sestertius of Hadrian
182 Both faces, landscape format ATC Hadrians Wall, 1964
212x127mm A 1964

183 Both faces, portrait format ATC Hadrian’s Wall, 1967 [4]; in the 1963 house style, q.v.
127x213mm A 1964

184.1 The head of a coin ATC Hadrians Wall, 1972 [published 1973]
127x213mm A/B 1972

184.2 The head of another coin ATC Hadrians Wall, 1975 [4]
127x213mm A/B/ 1975

185 Sutton Hoo helmet ATC Britain in the Dark Ages, 1966 207x272mm Laminated Bookfold B 1965 letterpress OS 1205/10,000 12-65 Also letterpress 10,000 71 and letterpress 14000 75
186 Sestertius of Antoninus Pius ATC The Antonine Wall, 1969 [2]
- [a] 129x208mm © Crown copyright 1969.A with pre decimal printed price.
- [b] As [a] but with price label. Also © Crown copyright 1969. with white price label "O+S £2.35"
187 King Alfred jewel COI Britain before the Norman Conquest, 1973 [published 1974]
- [a] 218x300mm Hardback A 1973
- [b] Spine 21mm